Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Science of Procrastination

"Never let schooling get in the way of your education" - Mark Twain

Okay so the quote is a bit overused but it's still true! I feel like I spend a tremendous amount of time during the day learning glorious, perchance useless, things and more often than not those things are interfering with what should be my scholastic study time. Damn well tragic if you ask me. Then I get all flabbergasted/stressed when I don't have my 'real' work done and before anyone can figure out what I'm dealing with I'm shouting out things like, "I hate school!"

For some reason everyone takes this to mean I hate learning; I don't really, to the contrary, I get all giddy when I get to learn something new, be it mundane or otherwise. Twitter? I think yes. It is just that I don't like deadlines and being told what to study and when-the working world is going to absolutely love me.

Is this such a bad thing? It's the 21st century! Information is at our finger tips and all that. Anyone currently studying anything relevant to today will most likely discover that by the time they know what they are doing with whatever it is they are studying it will be outdated; I'm not into that. To make matters worse it seems like most everyone is going to school to secure a job, what happened to knowledge for knowledge's sake? Give me the classics! Useless bits of history, astronomy, Latin! But hey who I am to know either way. I could be on to something or I could just be staging an elaborate procastinatory plot.

1 comment:

  1. I feel that we are having very similar thoughts on conventional education as of late. Maybe we should all just pool our money for a bus and go to Guatemala and learn about life through living it... or we could wait till we graduate.


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